Canberra Outlet recently ran their most epic competition ever, offering a $5,000 room makeover and one-on-one styling help from me (Gina Ciancio of Style Curator) to develop a vision board for the space and shop the look.

When decorating any space, it’s important to have a clear idea of the type of style or colour
palette you want to use. Few of us are blessed with the innate ability to simply pull items
together and make them ‘work’ – including us!
It helps to have an understanding of different interior styles, so you can more easily identify
what your personal style is, which may very well be a blend of two or more styles!
Let’s run through the most popular interior design styles so you can find out which one/s
speak to you most.

Canberra Outlet now has a Centre wide gift card available for purchase. 

The perfect gift for the picker shopper, Mother who has everything, Father who wants nothing and everyone else!
